Tuesday, June 5, 2012

You wanna know why?

So you wanna know why we had to cancel our recher gig? Wanna know why people in bands stress so much about presales...well here it is from MY opinion.

We had to bail on our Recher show because we didn't sell enough tickets...simple as that. Its not the booking agents fault, or the clubs or even the bands. Usually when a band signs on to a "big" event there are expectations and stipulations for us. With some booking companies you are expected to sell a certain amount of presales, if you don't...YOU DON'T PLAY THE SHOW. That's how it works. That's what bands agree to when accepting a gig. Its just the way it is. Some people dont agree with the way it works and that cool...not all clubs and booking agents have the same expectations. We decided to exit the show because we knew that we would not make the presale requirement on this one, even with pushing it as hard as we do on facebook, offering to give away shirts (that cost the band a lot of money) with every ticket sale, we have a "street team' that is suppose to help promote and push shows. The band (or me) did as much as we felt like we could have done for this show. But people are just not buying tickets. This would have been our 12th show since January! Thats a lot for a "new" local band...we have been going non stop with 2-3 shows per months, jugs for plugs, noise in the basement. On top of trying to fit in recording, the exit of a member, joining GoDIY and our bass player getting hit by a car. The last month or so has been a little exhausting and we realize we have spread ourselves a little to thin. And for all these reasons we are taking a big step back from playing shows out until at least the fall if not longer. We understand that some of our audience maybe exhausted. Especially folks who have come out for 6+ shows...and we APPRECIATE THAT..Trust us...It does not go un-noticed!

Ok, Now...Why do we stress so much about presales. Its NOT because I like to see the same post 40 times a week on multiple facebook groups. Its NOT because I enjoy going to the mailbox and sending out postage a few times a week to get tickets to people who are a little out of the way. Its NOT because I enjoy giving away free merch just to get bodies in a venue. Its because WE NEED PEOPLE TO COME TO SHOWS SO WE CAN CONTINUE TO PLAY THEM. Folks in bands get it..it's a never ending cycle of picking up presales and trying to sell them to the same people on our facebook...time after time. If we don't like selling presales than why do we continue to do it? It's because we LOOOOOVE playing tunes on stage..it is our "drug of choice." We are proud of what we are making and want so badly to share it with our friends and family because we have  worked so hard to get to the level where we can play on stage. It's so nice to be offered gigs, especially the good ones..opening acts, big venues..etc but if we cant count on an audience to come to the shows we can not accept them. I don't like disappointing a venue or a booking agent. When they ask if we can sell 30-50 tickets and in that moment we think we can, we accept. Then it gets closer to the date and we are like OMG we still have X amount of tickets left we need to sell these, which usually ends up with the band forking over cash to pay for some. Which really sucks...because we do not have the money to not only be in a band, buy gear, gas for shows, money for promotions, recording...and ALLLLLLLL the little expenses that come with band life...on top of it all pay to play our own shows. No thank you.  When we cancel a shows its all like..."why?" "what happened?"  its because of all those post we made saying we will send you tickets, drive them to you..whatever. Folks didn't come through. Usually it's really no ones fault...because most people come the day of, or don't think the can make plans for shows and tell you they wont know till the day of...then they just show up and its like AWESOME. .BUUUUUUUUT...as much as we love seeing your face in the crowd...WE REALLY need to get you presales...because if I buy 5 tickets for the band and 5 friends show up at the door..on the inside I'm like...Dayum, I'm happy your here but i just spend $50 on tickets on nobody when I could have just sent you a ticket!!!! Than a least I would have been able to help my friend get into the show for free!

I know its annoying to see post after post after post about "who needs a ticket?" but it's done because we have to...bands get little respect and we are usually making someone else A LOT of money. But like one of my post said before...some how its still all worth it. We spend weeks/months pushing ONE show...we stress to take off work and get to load in 5 hours before we go on...and get home late to go to our 9-5 the next day super tired...all for 30-35 mins of showing our friends and family what we have been working on.

I know I personally have a ton of friends and family members who have not made it to a single show or maybe have made it to one....and I'm no longer worried about or going to get upset about those people. The friends that show up time and time again and take the cd's, wear the shirts..those are the folks that I want to see at the shows - even if I have to buy your ticket! Those are the friends who I know actually give a shit about what I'm so passionate about...and those are the people who I will never forget were there at the beginning. If by some chance anything happens to me or my band beyond the local scene I will take you all with me on the road to be rodies and pay you lots of money.

Long blog shorter....we can't do shows if we don't have an audience. So if you want a ticket..GET ONE! We depend on your bodies in the crowd....But for the next maybe 2-6 months you wont have to worry about to many presales because Sweet Suicide is only taking low key shows with little or no presale requirements...takes a lot of stress of the band and keeps us from bugging everyone many times a month.


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